Saturday, August 17, 2013

Youtube Feed API

The YouTube APIs and Tools let you bring the YouTube experience to your webpage, application, or device. The Data API lets you perform most of the operations a normal YouTube user can on the YouTube website. The Player APIs let you control the YouTube player using JavaScript or ActionScript. You can also use the basic embedded player, which already contains player controls, or the chromeless player, which lets you create your own player controls.
Visit developers.google.com for more Supported Feeds and Details.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

AingCreations Google Script Collections

Google Apps Script is a JavaScript cloud scripting language that provides easy ways to automate tasks across Google products and third party services and build web applications.

wait up..

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Google Image Search API

Waiting for page to finish loading..
Get Token
Upload All

Monday, July 1, 2013

Facebook Account Manager with Google Scrip scriptDB

How it's look like?

Visit this page for preview: http://fb-accounts.blogspot.com/

Setting up your own scriptDB

  1. Login to your google account.
  2. Go to http://script.google.com/
  3. Create a New Project.
  4. Give it a title My FB account manager scriptDB or whatever.
  5. Copy the Codes from https://script.google.com/d/ ... /edit?usp=sharing
  6. Paste into your Project above.
  7. Save your Project.
  8. Run function cekDB for the first time to authorize the script before distributing the URL. [ Run->cekDB ]
  9. Set up your Project Version
    [ File->Manage versions->Save new version->OK ]
  10. Deploy your project as web app
    [ Publish->Deploy as web app
    ->Execute the app as: me
    ->Who has access to the app: Anyone, even anonymous
  11. Copy the Current web app URL shown and save it for your self.
  12. You may replace the thisUri of aing variable value with yours above.
  13. Now you have your own scriptDB URL and your scriptDB is ready to Rock \m/.

Using The Account Manager Console

You may use our Online Console at http://fb-accounts.blogspot.com/ or you may save the page as your own local htlm file or whatever, actually that did not make any difference at all :P.

This console is totally safe, no one will able to access your account list as long as they don't know what your scriptDB URL is.

You may use multiple scriptDB URL and the script will remember each of it as long as you don't close the console page.

For the sake of security reasons we don't save any cookies or etc. on the console page, that's why it'll better to keep the page open on your browser tab or you may pin the tab in chrome.

About the Access Token

Make sure that the access_token has extended permissions email and user_birthday. Check at http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug.

If you're getting the access token from Multi Tools | AingCreations, you better use Facebook for Android application or BlackBerry Smartphones App.

But if you can't get the offline access permission (&expires_in=0) or at less a long lived access token from them, you may use your own application and get the long-lived access token from it at Get Long-Lived Access Token | AingCreations

Auto Update Status

Function name:
Periodically update status of each user on scriptDB list with status from pages listed on robot.pages array.
Trigger Timer:
If there're 6 accounts on scriptDB list and the trigger set to every 10 minutes
then each account will automatically update status every hour.

Auto Post to Groups

Function name:
Periodically post to group of each user on scriptDB list with status from pages listed on robot.pages array.
Trigger Timer:
If there're 6 accounts on scriptDB list and the trigger set to every 10 minutes
then each account will automatically post to group every hour.

Wall Groups Post Digger

Function name:
Periodically comment on one post at every 25 post per-page on a group wall of each user on scriptDB list with message Hey @[post.from.id:] plus random emoji code listed on aing.emojis array.
Trigger Timer:
Set it to every minutes or every 5 minutes or just don't set the trigger.
Any Suggestions, criticism, ideas or feedback? Just write it down in the comment section below :)

Have a nice day! and remember, smoking is good for your inspirations \m/

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bookmarklets Collection

What are Bookmarklets?

A bookmarklet is a useful bit of javascript code stored in a bookmark, used like a tool on a toolbar. You can click a bookmarklet to do important things like: highlight search terms, look information up, block ads or auto invite all your facebook friend to your group.

Google Chrome.
Press [Ctrl][Shift][B] to bring down your Google Chrome bookmark bar.
Drag-and-drop the bookmarklet links below into your bookmark bar, or Other bookmarks folder.
You are done! Now, when you visit a page, just click on the bookmarklet you want to use.
Press [Ctrl][B] to show your Firefox bookmark panel.
Drag-and-drop the bookmarklet links below into your bookmark bar.
You are done! Now, when you visit a page, just click on the bookmarklet you want to use. Works just like toolbar but without slowing down the browser.
  • Get FB Apps Access Token
    Drag the bookmarklet link above into your bookmark bar, Go to https://www.facebook.com/ and then click the bookmarklet to open the interface. Watch the video at http://youtu.be/Hl_C5C35DK4
  • Facebook Emoji Clickboard
    Drag the bookmarklet link above into your bookmark bar, Go to http://www.facebook.com/ and then click the bookmarklet to open the Emoji Clickboard interface. Click on a comment box at any post and press spacebar or type any word, click/choose on one of the emoji and you'll see a square character inserted into the comment box, press enter and after the comment submitted you'll see your comment has an emoji sign or Watch the video at http://youtu.be/pbiDReAurCU
  • Group Invite + Confirm Friends Requests + Remove Friends ( 3 in 1 )
    Drag the bookmarklet link above into your bookmark bar, Go to your Facebook Group page, and then click the bookmarklet to invite all your friends into that group.
  • Easy Groups Leave Out
    Drag the bookmarklet link above into your bookmark bar, Go to http://www.facebook.com/groups/ and then click the bookmarklet, there'll be options to select all groups you want to leave or select them one by one. Watch the video at ..in progress..
  • Index of Folder to URLs
    It will lot more easier to explain this with an example. So try this: Drag the bookmarklet link above into your bookmark bar, Go to Click this link for an example, and then click the bookmarklet. Now you have the full links listed :D you may Select All those links and then upload to your new facebook album using Facebook Photo upFlood :P
  • Confirm Group Members Group Admins Only
    Drag the bookmarklet link above into your bookmark bar, Go to http://www.facebook.com/groups/Your_Group_UserName/requests/ and then click the bookmarklet to confirm all the memmber requests, or Watch the video at http://youtu.be/n164UKrgppA