Google Apps Script is a JavaScript cloud scripting language that provides easy ways to automate tasks across Google products and third party services and build web applications.
wait up..
Google Apps Script is a JavaScript cloud scripting language that provides easy ways to automate tasks across Google products and third party services and build web applications.
My FB account manager scriptDBor whatever.
the Codes
from ... /edit?usp=sharingfunction cekDB
for the first time to authorize the scriptbefore distributing the URL. [
]Project Version
File->Manage versions->Save new version->OK
]Publish->Deploy as web app
->Execute the app as: me
->Who has access to the app: Anyone, even anonymous
]Current web app URLshown and save it for your self.
of aing variable
value with yours above.your own scriptDB URLand your scriptDB is ready to Rock \m/.
You may use our Online Console
at or you may save the page as your own local htlm file or whatever, actually that did not make any difference at all :P.
This console is totally safe, no one will able to access your account list as long as they don't know what your scriptDB URL
You may use multiple scriptDB URL
and the script will remember each of it as long as you don't close the console page.
For the sake of security reasons we don't save any cookies or etc. on the console page, that's why it'll better to keep the page open on your browser tab or you may pin the tab in chrome.
Make sure that the access_token
has extended permissions
and user_birthday
. Check at
If you're getting the access token from Multi Tools | AingCreations, you better use Facebook for Android application or BlackBerry Smartphones App.
But if you can't get the offline access
permission (&expires_in=0
) or at less a long lived
access token from them, you may use your own application and get the long-lived access token
from it at Get Long-Lived Access Token | AingCreations
array.6 accountson scriptDB list and the trigger set to
every 10 minutes
array.6 accountson scriptDB list and the trigger set to
every 10 minutes
Hey @[]
plus random emoji code listed on aing.emojis
array.Have a nice day! and remember, smoking is good for your inspirations \m/