Friday, May 3, 2013

Creating Your Own Facebook Application

This step-by-step tutorial describes how you can write your own Facebook App in 5 minutes even if you are not a geek. A video screencast for writing Facebook applications is also included for easy reference.
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X-Batim said...

Aing Creations-2013 dimana kang ?? kok di hapus ?

Unknown said...


pelangi senja said...

semoogga g coid lagi gan semngat ckckckckckck

pelangi senja said...

gue setuju aam yang atas kwkwkwkwkw

Unknown said...

ah tar mesti upload softwarenya juga dong :P

matahari said...

di share sekalian kang seru tuh kayak begituan mau jelsain pake gambar kayknya seninya kurang kwkwkwkwk

di tunggu ajah :p

Anonymous said...

I want to explain the modus operandi of the application published on the groups and the friends and Adgz the Wall on Lake unbeknownst Please reply: *

Unknown said...


pelangi senja said...

nitip ah kwkwkw


sweet home111 said...

how do i publish into all my app users ???????

Unknown said...

you need to know the user user_id and use the app access token to update user status.

Anonymous said...

saya suka dengan semua tentang aingcreation sukses selalu untuk aingcreation